WM-1 WM-1Dセット wireless MIDI Roland
(税込) 送料込み
WM-1 WM-1Dセット wireless MIDI Roland
WM-1/WM-1D はローランド独自のワイヤレス・テクノロジーによって、高い安定性能と低レイテンシーのワイヤレス MIDI 送受信を実現。これまでにない快適なセッティングやパフォーマンスをケーブル・レスで実現します。
Roland WIRELESS MIDI ADAPTER DONGLE WM-1D WM1D ローランド ワイヤレス アダプター ドングル Bluetooth ブルートゥース USB 低レイテンシー
•STANDARD MODEは合計4台までの同時接続をサポート、FAST MODEは2台の接続をサポート**
•FAST MODEは2 台のWM-1/WM-1Dの接続で高速MIDI送受信(3ミリ秒)を実現
* WM-1D を iOS デバイスと接続する際には、Apple 純正 Lightning - USB カメラ・アダプターが必要です。
** デバイスのタイプと環境条件により、使用可能なデバイスの総数が制限される可能性があります。詳しくは取扱説明書をご覧ください。
WM-1 - Specs
BLE と独自方式によるワイヤレス転送
1 台の WM-1 に対して 3 台接続可能(STANDARD モード)
7.5 〜 15ms(STANDARD モード)
3ms(FAST モード)
アルカリ電池(単 4 形)× 1商品の情報
カテゴリー | おもちゃ・ホビー・グッズ > 楽器/器材 > DTM/DAW |
ブランド | ローランド |
商品の状態 | 新品、未使用 |

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI Dongle

Roland - WM-1 | Wireless MIDI Adaptor

【即納可能】Roland WM-1 + WM-1D セット(新品)【送料無料】【区分YC】

Amazon.com: Roland WM-1 Low-latency wireless MIDI adaptor with

Roland WM-1 Wireless MIDI Adaptor

Roland WM-1 Bluetooth Wireless MIDI Interface

Amazon.com: Roland WM-1 Low-latency wireless MIDI adaptor with

Amazon.com: Roland WM-1 Low-latency wireless MIDI adaptor with

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI Dongle

Roland WM-1 Wireless MIDI Adapter - The Midi Store

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI USB Dongle

Roland WM-1 and WM-1D Wireless MIDI System [Product Demonstration

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI Adapter

How to set up the WM-1 and WM-1D - Roland Resource Centre

How to set up the WM-1 and WM-1D - Roland Resource Centre

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI Dongle – Kraft Music

Roland WM-1 Wireless MIDI Adapter - The Midi Store

Amazon.com: Roland WM-1 Low-latency wireless MIDI adaptor with

How to set up the WM-1 and WM-1D - Roland Resource Centre

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI Dongle

Roland WM-1 Bluetooth Wireless MIDI Interface | Sweetwater
Roland's WM-1 turns your instruments into (MIDI) cord cutters

Amazon.com: Roland WM-1 Low-latency wireless MIDI adaptor with

Roland Roland Wireless MIDI-Set WM-1D mit WM-1 mit Tasche Audio

Roland WM-1 Wireless MIDI Adapter - The Midi Store

Amazon.com: Roland MIDI Cable (WM-1D) : Musical Instruments

Roland WM-1 & WM-1D WIRELESS MIDI set|ミュージックランドKEY

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI USB Dongle

Roland WM-1 and WM-1D Wireless MIDI System [Product Demonstration

Amazon.com: Roland WM-1 Low-latency wireless MIDI adaptor with

How to set up the WM-1 and WM-1D - Roland Resource Centre

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI USB Dongle

How to set up the WM 1 and WM 1D - YouTube

DTM】音楽制作や楽器演奏に役立つMIDIワイヤレスアダプター「Roland WM

Roland WM-1 Bluetooth Wireless MIDI Interface

Roland WM-1 Bluetooth wireless MIDI adapter | Reverb

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI Adapter | zZounds

Amazon.com: Roland MIDI Cable (WM-1D) : Musical Instruments

Roland WM-1 Wireless MIDI Adapter WM-1 B&H Photo Video

Bluetooth MIDIを大きく進化させたRolandのワイヤレスMIDI戦略。WM-1

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI Dongle

Roland - WM-1 | Wireless MIDI Adaptor

【即納可能】Roland WM-1 + WM-1D セット(新品)【送料無料】【区分YC】

Amazon.com: Roland WM-1 Low-latency wireless MIDI adaptor with

Roland WM-1 Wireless MIDI Adaptor

Roland WM-1 Bluetooth Wireless MIDI Interface

Amazon.com: Roland WM-1 Low-latency wireless MIDI adaptor with

Amazon.com: Roland WM-1 Low-latency wireless MIDI adaptor with

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI Dongle

Roland WM-1 Wireless MIDI Adapter - The Midi Store

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI USB Dongle

Roland WM-1 and WM-1D Wireless MIDI System [Product Demonstration

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI Adapter

How to set up the WM-1 and WM-1D - Roland Resource Centre

How to set up the WM-1 and WM-1D - Roland Resource Centre

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI Dongle – Kraft Music

Roland WM-1 Wireless MIDI Adapter - The Midi Store

Amazon.com: Roland WM-1 Low-latency wireless MIDI adaptor with

How to set up the WM-1 and WM-1D - Roland Resource Centre

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI Dongle

Roland WM-1 Bluetooth Wireless MIDI Interface | Sweetwater
Roland's WM-1 turns your instruments into (MIDI) cord cutters

Amazon.com: Roland WM-1 Low-latency wireless MIDI adaptor with

Roland Roland Wireless MIDI-Set WM-1D mit WM-1 mit Tasche Audio

Roland WM-1 Wireless MIDI Adapter - The Midi Store

Amazon.com: Roland MIDI Cable (WM-1D) : Musical Instruments

Roland WM-1 & WM-1D WIRELESS MIDI set|ミュージックランドKEY

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI USB Dongle

Roland WM-1 and WM-1D Wireless MIDI System [Product Demonstration

Amazon.com: Roland WM-1 Low-latency wireless MIDI adaptor with

How to set up the WM-1 and WM-1D - Roland Resource Centre

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI USB Dongle

How to set up the WM 1 and WM 1D - YouTube

DTM】音楽制作や楽器演奏に役立つMIDIワイヤレスアダプター「Roland WM

Roland WM-1 Bluetooth Wireless MIDI Interface

Roland WM-1 Bluetooth wireless MIDI adapter | Reverb

Roland WM-1D Wireless MIDI Adapter | zZounds

Amazon.com: Roland MIDI Cable (WM-1D) : Musical Instruments

Roland WM-1 Wireless MIDI Adapter WM-1 B&H Photo Video

Bluetooth MIDIを大きく進化させたRolandのワイヤレスMIDI戦略。WM-1
