テストー(testo) TESTO 511 絶対圧計
(税込) 送料込み
●型番:TESTO 511
18441円テストー(testo) TESTO 511 絶対圧計花・ガーデン・DIYDIY・工具 2 Type AAA Batterytesto 511 絶対圧計
Testo 0560 0511 Pocket Pro Absolute Pressure and Altitude Meter, 300 to 1200 hPa Range, 0.1 hPa Resolution, +/- 3.0 hPa Accuracy, 2 Type AAA Battery
Testo 511 - Pocket-Sized Absolute Pressure Meter
Testo 0560 0511 Pocket Pro Absolute Pressure and Altitude Meter, 300 to 1200 hPa Range, 0.1 hPa Resolution, +/- 3.0 hPa Accuracy, 2 Type AAA Battery
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Testo 0560 0511 Pocket Pro Absolute Pressure and Altitude Meter